Welcome to recruitment news blog. Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Western region has openly invites to all eligible candidates for 36 Various vacancies. SSC Western Region will be going to recruit all these vacanciesunder recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before the last date 15-09-2012. More detail like age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.
SSC Western Region Recruitment 2012 For 36 vacancies details are as :
Name of the post with no of post
1. Information Assistant: 02 Vacancies
2. Metrological Assistant: 05 vacancies
3. Technical Officer – I: 06 vacancies
4. Costing officer: 02 vacancies
5. Economic Assistant: 02 vacancies
6. Laboratory Assistant: 01 post
7. Assistant Director: 08 vacancies
8. Zoological Assistant: 02 vacancies
9. Stockman: 05 vacancies
10. Senior Scientific Assistant: 01 post
11. Calligraphist (Jr) (Urdu): 01 post
12. Calligraphist (Jr) (Sindhi): 01 post
Age Limit : Candidates aged should between 21 to 25 years for Information Asst post, 18 to 25 years for Technical Officer, Laboratory Asst, Stockman post, 18 to 27 years for Zoological Asst, Calligraphist post, 21 to 25 years for Information Asst post, below 30 years for Metrological Asst, Costing officer, Asst Director, Senior Scientific Asst post and 28 years for Economic Asst post.
Educational Qualification : Candidates must be completed Degree with Economics or statistics or Mathematics as a subject from a recognized University for Economic Asst post, Bachelor degree in commerce, economics, statistics or Maths from a recognized university for Asst Director post, Second class B Sc. (Hons.) or B.Sc. with zoology with not less than 55% of marks in aggregate for Zoological Asst post and for remaining vacancies candidate should refer the notification.
Application Fee : Candidates need to pay the application fee of Rs 50/- (No fee for Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe / Physically Handicapped / Fe-male / Ex- Service man SM candidates) in the form of Central Recruitment Fee Stamp (CRFS). These stamps are available at all departmental Post Offices of the country. These stamps may be pasted on the application form in the space provided for the purpose.
Mode of Apply : Candidates may apply in prescribed application along with necessary certificates by post to the Office of the on or before 15-09-2012.
Regional Director,
Staff Selection Commission (Western Region),
1st floor, Pratisiitha Bhavan, 101, MK road,
Mumbai – 400020
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