Monday, 6 August 2012

Indian Army Recruitment 2012 - LDC, Electrician Posts Apply Online

Welcome to recruitment news section Indian Army will going to recruit 04 LDC, Electrician and Cook  under  recruitment project 2012 -2013 . Eligible applicants who want to get these job, they can apply through prescribed application format on or before 31-08-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

Indian Army Recruitment 2012 for LDC, Electrician Posts details are as:

Name of the posts with no of vacancy :

 1. Lower Division Clerk: 02 vacancies
 2. Electrician: 01 vacancy
 3. Cook: 01 vacancy

Age limit : Candidates’ age should be between 18 to 25 years as on 31-08-2012.
Age relaxation as per govt.rules.

Required Qualification :  Candidates must possess 12th Class or equivalent qualification and must have a speed of 35 words per minute in English Typing or 30 words per minute in Hindi Typing on Computer for LDC post, Matriculation or equivalent with Industrial Training Institute/National Certificate of Trade & Vocational Training in the concerned trade for Electrician post and Matriculation pass or equivalent & conversant with the duties of Indian Cooking with one year experience in the trade for Cook post.

Selection Procedure : Intelligent candidates will be selected through Written Test, Typing Test (Only for LDC), Skill Test and Interview.

Apply Procedure : Candidates may  apply for the job through prescribed application format, which is available in the notification. Candidates need to attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe in Red ink the name of post to be applied for and send it along with copies of all relevant certificates to the following address, only through ordinary post on or before 31-08-2012.


“Comdt  ADMC,  C/o HQ MEG & Centre,
Sivan Chetty Garden Post,


  1. Hello! Thank you so much for sharing this blog post. I'll be looking forward for your other posts as well. You have such a nice page. I'll try to visit this page again some other time. Before electricians are allowed to work without supervision, they are usually required to serve an apprenticeship lasting from 3 to 5 years under the general supervision of a Master Electrician and usually the direct supervision of a Journeyman Electrician. Schooling in electrical theory and electrical building codes are required to complete the apprenticeship program. Many apprenticeship programs provide a salary to the apprentice during training. A Journeyman electrician is a well rounded craftsman who has met the experience requirements for on the job training (usually 4080 to 6120 hrs) and classroom hours (about 144 hrs.); they may also have a two year relevant degree and another two to three years of apprenticeship training and have passed a licensing exam for their jurisdiction, be it state, county or city. They are trained in all phases of electrical construction installation in various building styles (residential, commercial, industrial, basic electronics) and maintenance of equipment after installation. All of their time is well documented under the jurisdiction of the state government in order for their time to be credited. A Journeyman is usually permitted to perform all types of electrical work except the design of electrical systems, although in some jurisdictions a Journeyman may design systems within certain limits. By contrast, a residential electrician is only permitted to work on residential projects with limitations (for example under 4 stories), and apprenticeship is typically four to five years. In certain states like Michigan, to go on to be a Master Electrician and then an electrical contractor, a journeyman has to work another two years past his passing of the extensive exam given and then apply to take the Master's exam which is another very rigid exam. Then they can apply for an electrical contractors license according to the guidelines of that government. McCurdy Electric has over 3 decades of experience and brings those hard-earned skills to every project. Our teams' commitment to outstanding customer service and getting the job done right the first time has helped build a solid reputation among Boxford, MA customers who have asked McCurdy Electric to handle their toughest work. We guarantee excellence, neatness, and professionalism at every step of the process.
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  2. they are usually required to serve an apprenticeship lasting from 3 to 5 years under the general supervision of a Master Electrician and usually the direct supervision of a Journeyman Electrician. click here
