Saturday, 11 August 2012

IDA Bihar Recruitment 2012 - Apply for Executive posts

Welcome to recruitment news blog. Infrastructure Development Authority (IDA), Bihar  has required Assistant 13 Executive Vacancies. IDA Bihar has recruit all these jobs under recruitment project 2012 - 2013. Interested and eligible candidates  may apply through prescribe application format  on or before 27-08-2012 . More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

IDA Bihar Recruitment 2012 posts details are as :

Name of the post with no of vacancy

Executive : 13 posts to be recruit

Age Limit :  Candidates aged should be less than 50 years as on August 01, 2012.

Educational Qualification :  Candidates who are completed Diploma in Civil Engineering fron recognized university or institution, they may apply for this posts. Candidates also basic  knowledge of Computer operation .

Application Fee : Candidates need to deposit application fees of  Rs. 200/- in the form of Demand Draft in favour of Infrastructure Development Authority Patna.

Mode of Selection : Intelligent candidates will be selected through Personal Interview.

Mode of Apply : Interested candidates may send their application through prescribed application format which is available in notification, fill up all details , attach with copies of all relevant certificates, DD and Super scribed as “Application for the post of Executive” on the envelop, to the following address “on or before 27-08-2012.


Infrastructure Development Authority,
Ist Floor, Udhyog Bhavan,
East Gandhi Maidan,
Patna 800 004

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