Sunday, 22 July 2012

Vijaya Bank Interview Results 2012 - For Specialist & Generalist Officer

Vijaya Bank is a Nationalised Scheduled Commercial Bank. The Bank is celebrating its Platinum jubilee during the current financial year as it was established in 1931. The Bank was nationalised on 15.04.1980 under the Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1980 and Nationalised Banks (Management & Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme 1980.

Today in this article through we like to share Vijaya Bank Specialist & Generalist Officer  Recruitment written test results 2012. today as per latest announcement Vijaya Bank declared  Specialist & Generalist Officer Recruitment Interview Final Results 2012 online. Final Interview results 2012 of Specialist & Generalist Officer now available online at their main official website at

Final interview appeared candidates can be search their name in final list. Candidates who are passed in Vijaya Bank Specialist & Generalist Officer Interview , they can pick up their appointment letter from Vijaya Bank official mentioned address. For more detail please visit at their main official website.

1 comment:

  1. Hi..given link to download appointment letter is not working
