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Hey folks are you looking jobs in Hindustan
Newsprint Limited (HNL), then you wait is over now. Today Hindustan Newsprint
Limited (HNL) openly invites intelligent and desirous candidates for 30 various
jobs posts Attendant and operator . BMEL going to recruit all these jobs under
recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates who are interested to want get this
job post , they may apply through prescribed application format on or before
31-07-2012. More detail like age limit,
eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given
HNL Recruitment 2012 for 30 jobs posts details are as :
Name of the post with no of vacancy
1. Attendant – I:
- ITI (Electrical) – 02 postsFor A
- ITI (Fitter) – 18 posts
- ITI (Fitter) with NAC in Boiler Attendant – 05 posts
2. Operator – III /Analyst III: 05 posts
Age Limit: Candidates should be aged less than 30 years as
on March 31, 2012.
Required Qualification : Candidates should be passed minimum for
Attendant post 10th standard along with NTC/ITI and NAC in respective trade and
for Operator post candidates must possess B.Sc (Chemistry) from any recognized
Application Fees : Applicants require to deposit application
fee of Rs. 100/- in form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Hindustan Newsprint
Ltd., payable at Ernakulam/ Mevelloor.
Note : Schedule Caste /Schedule Ttibe / PWD candidates are nil
application fees.
Mode of Selection : Intelligent candidates will be selected
through competitive written test and personal interview.
Apply Procedure : Candidates may apply through prescribed application format ,
which is available in the notification, fill up all required details, attach
photograph, attest signature and send it along with copies of all relevant
certificates and payment receipt, to the following address on or before the
last date of 31-07-2012.
Newsprint Nagar P.O,
Kottayam – 686 616
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