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Cochin Shipyard has looking intelligent candidates for 31 various jobs posts.. Interested
and desirous candidates may apply their application form through prescribed
application format on or before the last date of 24-08-2012.More detail
like age limit, eligibility, application
fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.
Cochin Shipyard Recruitment 2012 posts details are as :
Name of the post with no of vacancy
1. Deputy General
Manager: 01 vacancy
2. Assistant General
Manager: 09 vacancies
3. Senior Manager: 04
4. Medical Officer:
01 vacancy
5. Welfare Officer:
02 vacancies
6. Deputy Manager: 02
7. Assistant Manager:
12 vacancies
Age Limit : candidates should be aged less than 50 years for
Dy General Manager vacancy, 45 years for Asst General Manager vacancy , 40
years for Sr Manager, Medical Officer, Welfare Officer vacancy (UR), 35 years for Welfare
Officer (OBC), Dy Manager posts and 30 years for Asst Manager vacancy as on
July 31, 2012.
Required Study : Only
candidates can apply for this posts, who are completed Degree in Engineering in
relevant discipline for Asst General Manager, Sr Manager, Asst Manager posts,
MBBS Degree from a recognized University for Medical Officer post and for
remaining posts candidate should refer the notification.
Application fees : Candidates require to pay application
fees of Rs. 300/- in the form of a crossed DD drawn in favor of Cochin Shipyard
Limited on any Nationalized bank payable at Kochi. Schedule Caste (SC) / Schedule Tribe
(ST) / PWD applicants (Minimum 40% of disability) are nil application fees
Mode of Selection : Intelligent candidates will be selected through
competitive written examination test, group discussion and personal interview.
Mode of Apply : Eligible candidates may apply through
prescribed application format available in the notification, fill it with all
mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature and send it along with DD
and copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address To The Deputy
General Manager (HR), Cochin Shipyard Ltd, PO Bag No. 1653, Perumanoor PO,
Kochi-682015 on or before 24-08-2012.
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