Welcome to recruitment news
section. Are you looking jobs in MP Power Transmission Company Limited (MPPTCL),
then your wait is over now. Today MP Power Transmission Company Limited
(MPPTCL) has issued notification against recruitment of Dy Director (Finance
& Accounts) and Executive Trainee (Accounts) for Schedule Caste (SC)/
Schedule Tribe (ST) MP domicile. Intelligent and interested candidates who want
to get these job, they may apply through prescribed application format on or
before the last date of 31-07-2012. More
detail like age limit, eligibility,
application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.
MPPTCL Recruitment 2012 for Dy Director & Executive Traniee details are as :
Name of the posts with no of vacancy :
1. Dy Director (Finance & Accounts Class – I): 04
2. Executive Trainee (Accounts Class – II): 10 vacancies
Age Limit: candidates should be aged less than 50 years for
the post Dy Director (F & A) and 40 Years for the post of Executive Trainee
(Accounts) as on July 31, 2012.
Age relaxation as per govt. rules
Required Qualification: Applicants should be cleared minimum
CA/CWA or M.com/MBA from a recognized University.
Application Fee: Applicants
are need to deposit application fee of Rs. 250/- in the form of Demand Draft
drawn in favour of the Regional Accounts Officer, MP Power Transmission
Co.Ltd., Jabalpur towards stationary/Postal charges shall be payable along with
application towards stationary/Postal charges.
Mode of Selection : Candidates will be selected through competitive
written test and personal interview .
Apply Procedure : The
eligible candidate’s download the prescribed application form from the MPPTCL
website. The completed application form should be sent along with copies of
required certificates, Demand Draft to given below mentioned addres before the
last date of July 31, 2012.
Chief Engineer (Corporate Affairs).
Block No.-2, Second floor,
Shakti Bhawan MP Power Transmission Company, Ltd,
Rampur, Jabalpur, Pin- 482008
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