Monday, 9 July 2012

SSC CR Allahabad Recruitment 2012- Apply procedure, detail, eligibility

Welcome to recruitment news blog. Hey folks  today Staff Selection Commission – SSC (Central Region) has issued notification against recruitment of 05 Assistant posts Allahabad. SSC CR going to recruit all these jobs under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates who are interested to want get this job post , they may apply their application form prescribed application format on or before the last date of 29-07-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

SSC CR Recruitment 2012 for Assistant details are as :

Name of the post with no of vacancy

1. Senior Technical Assistant: 01 vacancy
 2. Technical Officer-I: 02 vacancies
 3. Jr Technical Assistant: 02 vacancies

Age Limit: Candidates should be aged below 30 years for Technical Asst posts and between 18 to 25 years for Technical Officer-I post

Required Qualification :  Candidates are asked to refer to the notification for the details of post wise required educational qualification.

Application Fees : Applicants  require to deposit Rs. 50/- as application fees, in form of CRFS and these Candidates need to pay Rs. 50/- as application fees, in form of CRFS and these stamps are available at all departmental Post Offices of the country. (All applicants except general category (Male) are exempted from fees).

Mode of Selection : Eligible Candidates called for  personal interview, Proficiency test and screening test.

Apply Procedure : Desirous and eligible  candidates must prepare application in the format published in Employment News or Rojgar Yojana and send it along with advt. in employment News on 30-06-2012 and all other copies of necessary documents and certificates, and the CRF stamp pasted on application, to the following address on or before the last date of 29-07-2012.


Regional Director (CR),
Staff Selection Commission, 8,
A-B, Beli Road,

1 comment:

  1. Hii
    Nice website thanks for provide the latest info. Please sir update more recruitment about SSC Recruitment 2015 for apply Online....
