Monday, 30 July 2012

AP Rajiv Vidya Mission Recruitment 2012 - 77 Site Engineer Posts detail

Welcome to recruitment news section. Andhra Pradesh Rajiv Vidya Mission (SSA)  will going to recruit 77 Site Engineer vacancies to supervise construction of the school buildings, Toilets, Drinking water facilities located in the entire State under RVM.  Eligible & desirous applicants may apply through prescribed application format on or before the last date of 10-08-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

AP Rajiv Vidya Mission Recruitment 2012 77 various posts details are as :-

Name of the posts with no of vacancy :

Site Engineer : 77 posts to be recruit

 Required Qualification :  Candidates must completed in  B.E./B.Tech (Civil) graduate Engineers or LCE/Diploma Engineers with one year experience in construction of buildings.

Mode of Selection : Intelligent applicants will be selected through Certificate Verification and Personal Interview..

Important Details

Closing date for receipt of application: July 10, 2012
Date of certificate verification & Interview: August 17,2012

Mode of Apply : Candidates who want to apply for this posts, they need to be  download application format, which is  available in the notification, fill up all required basic details, attach photograph, attest signature and send it to Project Officer/Executive Engineer, RVM of the concerned district on or before 10-08-2012.

GBU Recruitment 2012 - 47 Posts details , how to apply

Welcome to recruitment news blog Gautam Buddha University (GBU) required intelligent candidates for 47 posts of Professor, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor . Candidates who appeared for GATE 2012 exam and having Graduate Engineering Qualified candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before 16-08-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

GBU Recruitment 2012 for 47 various posts details are as :

Name of the post with no of vacancy

1. Professor
2. Assistant Professor
3. Associate Professor

Age Limit : candidates should be aged less than 25 years  as on August 31, 2012.

Required Study :  Only candidates can apply for this posts, who are completed Master’s Degree/Ph.D in relevant discipline from recognised University. For further details refer to the notification.

Mode of Selection : Intelligent candidates will be selected through competitive written examination test and personal interview.

Important Dates:

Starting date for online registration: July 25, 2012
Closing date for online registration: August 10, 2012
Date of Written Examination: yet to be published

Mode of Apply : Applicants who want to apply for this post, they need to download application format, which is  available in the website, fill all required basic details, attach photograph, attest signature and send it along with copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address on or before the last date of 16-08-2012


The Registrar, Gautam Buddha University,
Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar – 201310

NIANP Recruitment 2012 - Apply for 53 Posts

Welcome to recruitment news website. National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (NIANP) has looking desirous and eligible candidates for 53 various vacancies (vacancies also available for Ex Servicemen) under Indian Council for Agricultural Research . Candidates who want to get this jobs, they may apply form through prescribed format on or before the last date of 06-08-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

NIANP Recruitment 2012 for 53 various posts details are as :

Name of the post with no of vacancy :

 1. Attender/Lab Attender/Animal Attendant – 14 posts
 2. Clerical Assistant/Receptionist – 16 posts
 3. Hindi Typist – 01 post
 4. Audio-Visual Operator cum Photographer
 5. Web Designer
 6. DTP – Designing for Publications
 7. Lab Assistant – 07 posts
 8. Electrician – 01 post
For Ex-servicemen:
 9. Tractor Driver – 01 post
 10. Electrician – 01 post
 11. Hindi Translator cum Hindi Typist – 01 post
 12. Attendant/Lab Attendant/ Plumbing Assistant – 11 posts

Required Education : Candidates who are completed pass in 8th Class/PUC/Diploma/B.Sc/M.Sc/BCA/DTP. For post wise required educational qualification details, refer to the notification.

Selection Procedure : Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis performance in Written Test, Typing Test/Driving Test/Personal Interview.

Apply procedure : Candidates need to download application format available in the notification, fill it with all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe the name of the post to be applied for on the envelope and send it along with copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address on or before the last date of 06th August 2012.

Director, National Institute of Animal Nutrition & Physiology,
Adugodi, Bangalore – 560 030

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Cochin Shipyard Recruitment 2012 - Apply for Various posts

Welcome to recruitment news blog. Cochin Shipyard has looking intelligent candidates for 31 various jobs posts.. Interested and desirous candidates may apply their application form through prescribed application format on or before the last date of 24-08-2012.More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

Cochin Shipyard Recruitment 2012 posts details are as :

Name of the post with no of vacancy

 1. Deputy General Manager: 01 vacancy
 2. Assistant General Manager: 09 vacancies
 3. Senior Manager: 04 vacancies
 4. Medical Officer: 01 vacancy
 5. Welfare Officer: 02 vacancies
 6. Deputy Manager: 02 vacancies
 7. Assistant Manager: 12 vacancies

Age Limit : candidates should be aged less than 50 years for Dy General Manager vacancy, 45 years for Asst General Manager vacancy , 40 years for Sr Manager, Medical Officer, Welfare Officer vacancy (UR), 35 years for Welfare Officer (OBC), Dy Manager posts and 30 years for Asst Manager vacancy as on July 31, 2012.

Required Study :  Only candidates can apply for this posts, who are completed Degree in Engineering in relevant discipline for Asst General Manager, Sr Manager, Asst Manager posts, MBBS Degree from a recognized University for Medical Officer post and for remaining posts candidate should refer the notification.

Application fees : Candidates require to pay application fees of Rs. 300/- in the form of a crossed DD drawn in favor of Cochin Shipyard Limited on any Nationalized bank payable at Kochi. Schedule Caste (SC) / Schedule Tribe (ST) / PWD applicants (Minimum 40% of disability) are nil application fees

Mode of Selection : Intelligent candidates will be selected through competitive written examination test, group discussion and personal interview.

Mode of Apply : Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format available in the notification, fill it with all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature and send it along with DD and copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address To The Deputy General Manager (HR), Cochin Shipyard Ltd, PO Bag No. 1653, Perumanoor PO, Kochi-682015 on or before 24-08-2012.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

KPCL Asstt & Junior Engineer Recruitment Results 2012 Declare

Finally candidates you wait is ending now. Today  Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL) has published recruitment results 2012 of Asst Engineer, Jr Engineer Final Exam. Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL) has announced final results for posts of Assistant Engineer (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical) and Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical). KPCL has upload results of Assistant Engineer and Junior Engineer Recruitment Results 2012 online on their main official website at Appeared candidates can be check out their KPCL Results 2012 through given below link.

Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL) has also published passed candidates list online. KPCL  was hold personal Interview on two dates  like :
  • April 30, 2012 
  • May 05, 2012. 
Candidates  can be easily search their name in publish selected candidates list. Passed candidates pick up their appointment letter through KPCL office. For more details you can also contact with Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL) official address.

(A Government of Karnataka Enterprise)
Regd.Office:Shakti Bhavan,82,Race Course Road,
Bangalore-560 001.Karnataka.India.

JVVNL Commercial Assistant-II Final Results 2012 Declare

JAIPUR VIDYUT VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED (Jaipur Discom) is engaged in distribution and supply of electricity in 12 districts of Rajasthan, namely Jaipur, Dausa, Alwar, Bharatpur, Dholpur, Kota, Bundi, Baran, Jhalawar, Sawaimadhopur, Tonk and Karauli.

Hey nguys today we like to share latest Jaipur Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited (JVVNL) recruitment results 2012 of Commercial Assistant-II  Written test exam. As per latest notification Jaipur Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited (JVVNL)  has declared the final result of Commercial Assistant-II. Candidates who had appeared in JVVNL recruitment Commercial Assistant-II final exam, they can be check out their results online through given official link.

For download result of JVVNL Commercial Assistant-II, Candidates need to enter only roll number or admit card number, which is provide by JVVNL for exam. When you will enter your admit card number in provide box and press submit, then you results will immediately display on you computer screen. If any case you have forget their roll number , then don't worry, you can also check out their results online name wise. Only for appeared candidates we has publish a results check link.

Appeared candidates can check their result at below link…

Click here for JVVNL Commercial Assistant-II Final Result

Vijaya Bank Interview Results 2012 - For Specialist & Generalist Officer

Vijaya Bank is a Nationalised Scheduled Commercial Bank. The Bank is celebrating its Platinum jubilee during the current financial year as it was established in 1931. The Bank was nationalised on 15.04.1980 under the Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1980 and Nationalised Banks (Management & Miscellaneous Provisions) Scheme 1980.

Today in this article through we like to share Vijaya Bank Specialist & Generalist Officer  Recruitment written test results 2012. today as per latest announcement Vijaya Bank declared  Specialist & Generalist Officer Recruitment Interview Final Results 2012 online. Final Interview results 2012 of Specialist & Generalist Officer now available online at their main official website at

Final interview appeared candidates can be search their name in final list. Candidates who are passed in Vijaya Bank Specialist & Generalist Officer Interview , they can pick up their appointment letter from Vijaya Bank official mentioned address. For more detail please visit at their main official website.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

MPPSC Recruitment 2012 - Apply for 57 Taxation Assistant Posts

Welcome to recruitment news section. Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) will going to recruit 57 Taxation Assistant posts under recruitment project 2012 - 2013. Eligible applicants who want to get these job, they can apply through application form online before the last date of 17-08-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

MPPSC Recruitment 2012 for Taxation Assistant Posts details are as :

Name of the posts with no of vacancy :

Taxation Assistant : 57 posts to be recruit

Age Limit: candidates should be aged between 21 to 30 years as on January 01, 2013
Age relaxation : Age relaxation as per govt. rules

Required Qualification :  Only candidates can apply for this posts , who are completed in Bachelor’s of Commerce from any recognized University..

Application Fees : General candidates and OBC candidates outside Madhya Pradesh require to deposit application fee of Rs. 180/- and Reserved category like  Schedule Caste / Schedule tribe / PWD category candidates need to pay Rs. 90/-. Fee can be paid through net banking facility at MP Online. Candidates will need to pay additional amount of Rs. 35/- towards portal charges.

Selection Procedure : Intelligent candidates will be selected through competitive written examination and personal interview.

Important Dates:

Starting date for online registration: July 18, 2012
Closing date for online registration: August 17, 2012
Date for written examination: November 04, 2012
Dates for Online Submission of Application for Examination: from 12-10-2012 to 02-11-2012
Dates for Correcting Errors in Online Application: from 18-08-2012 to 27-08-2012

Apply Procedure : Candidates may apply their application form through online mode on or before the last date of August 17, 2012. candidate if you want more details, then see recruitment advertisement page.

Mazagon Dock Limited Recruitment 2012 - Apply for 84 Posts

Welcome to recruitment news section. Mazagon Dock Limited going to recruit 84 posts in the Industrial Dearness Allowances (IDA). Eligible candidates may apply through online  on or before the last date of  22-08-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

Mazagon Dock Limited Recruitment 2012 for 84 posts details are as:

Name of the posts with no of vacancy :

1. Chief Manager – 21 Posts
2. Manager – 02 Posts
3. Deputy Manager – 03 Posts
4. Assistant Manager – 38 Posts
5. Senior Manager – 08 Posts
6. Senior Engineer (Ex Navy) – 12 Posts

Age Limit: candidates should be aged less than w 44 yrs for Chief Manager, below 40 yrs for Manager post, below 36 yrs for Dy Manger post, below 32 yrs for Asst Manager post and below 28 yrs for Sr. Engineer posts as on August 22, 2012.
Age relaxation as per govt. rules

Required Qualification: Applicants should be passed Engg Degree/PG Degree/PG Diploma/Degree/LLB. For further details refer to the notification.

Mode of Selection : Candidates will be selected through personal interview.

Important dates :

Starting date for online application from :July  23,  2012
Closing date for online application: August 22, 2012
Notification regarding schedule of personal interview: September 15, 2012

Apply Procedure :  Candidates may apply their application form through online mode on or before the last date of 22-08-2012 . For more details please see Mazagon Dock Limited recruitment advertisement page.

SSA Punjab Recruitment 2012 - Apply for Cashier, Accountant Other posts

Welcome to recruitment news section. Hey guys today Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Punjab,has published a recruitment notification . According to advertisement Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Punjab has required  Cashier, Accountant , DEO, Stenographer for 16 posts. Candidates who want get this job post , they may apply through prescribed application format on or before last date of  01-08-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

SSA Punjab Recruitment 2012 for Cashier, Accountant posts details are as :-

Name of the posts with no of vacancy :

1. Cashier – 01 Post
2. Accountant – 06 Posts
3. Stenographer – 01 Post
4. Data Entry Operator-cum-Office Assistant – 08 posts

Age Limit: Candidates should be aged between 18 to 27 years as on May 01, 2012.

Required Qualification :  only candidates can apply for this post, who are clearly completed B.Com for first two posts, Graduation with knowledge of Stenography for Stenographer and Graduation with Diploma in Computer for Data Entry Operator-cum-Office Assistant.

Application Fee : Applicants need to deposit application fee of Rs. 300/- (Rs. 150/- for Schedule Caste (SC) candidates) in form of non refundable Bank Draft in favour of State Project Director, Sarva  Shiksha  Abhiyan Authority,  Punjab, payable at  Chandigarh.

Mode of Selection : Candidates will be selected through competitive Written Test, and personal interview.

Important Dates :

Closing date for submission of application: August 01,  2012

Apply Procedure : Candidates can apply through prescribed application format , which is available in the notification, fill up all important details, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe the name of the post to be applied for on the envelope and send it along with Copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address before the last date of August 01, 2012.


Recruitment Cell, Education Department,
Punjab, SCO No. 130-131,
 3rd Floor, Sector 34-A,

NGRI Recruitment 2012 - Apply for 118 Jobs Posts

Welcome to recruitment news blog. National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) under Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) has required 18 Project Assistant and Scientist posts for projects viz., Grant-in-Aid, Sponsored Projects and In-house projects . Intelligent candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before last date of  26-07-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

NGRI Recruitment 2012 for 118 posts details are as :

Name of the post with no of vacancy

1. Project Assistant Level-I – 22 posts
2. Project Assistant Level II /III/ Project Fellow – 80 posts
3. Project Assistant Level-II / III – 11 posts
4. Project Scientist – 02 posts
5. Project Assistant Level-II – 03 posts

Age Limit: Candidates should be aged less than 25 years for post 1, below 28 yrs/32 yrs for posts 2 and 3, below 35 years for post 4 and below 28 yrs for post 5 as on July 26, 2012.
Age Relaxation as per govt. rules

Required Study :  Candidates should be passed B.Sc for PA I, M.Sc for PA II & III/Project Fellow, Ph.D for Project Scientist and MCA/B.Tech for PA II posts, in relevant discipline.

Mode of Selection : Intelligent candidates will be selected personal interview.

Important Dates :

Dates of Commencement interview  : July 26, 2012

Mode of Apply : Candidates can apply through prescribed application format , which is available in the notification, fill all important details, attach photograph, attest signature along with copies of all relevant certificates at Car Parking, Main Building, NGRI on 26/07/12 between 9.30 am to 12.00 Noon. Candidates can also register themselves by sending email to on or before 25-07-2012. Walk in Interview would be held on 26-07-2012 from 9.30 am at NGRI Hyderabad

Himachal Pradesh University Clerk Recruitment 2012 - Apply for 43 Posts

Welcome to recruitment news website. Himachal Pradesh University has require 43 Clerk (on contract basis) Vacancies in their HP university department. Eligible and desirous candidates  may apply through prescribed application format or before the last date of 09-08-2012.More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

Himachal Pradesh University Recruitment 2012 details are as :

Name of the post with no of vacancy :

Clerks : 43 posts to be recruit

Age Limit : Candidates should be aged 18 to 45 years
Age relaxation as per govt. rules.

Required Education : Candidates who are clear passed 10+2 examination  from a recognized University and Possesses a speed of 30 WPM. in English or 25 WPM. in Hindi for typewriting with knowledge of Computer Application related to office work (Word Processing, Electronics Spreadsheet).

Application Fee : Applicants required to deposit of Fees Rs. 300/- (Rs. 75/- for Schedule Caste  (SC) / Schedule Tribe (ST)  / Other Backward Class (OBC) / BPL-Antodya candidates) in the form of Indian Postal Order(s) drawn in favour of Finance Officer, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-171005 payable at Shimla. Ex-Service men candidates are exempted from paying fee.

Selection Procedure : Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis competitive written test, typing test and personal interview.

Important dates :

Closing date for online registration: August 09, 2012
Closing date for receipt of application (far flung areas): August 18, 2012

Apply procedure : Candidates can apply through prescribed application format , which is available in the notification, fill all important details, attach photograph, attest signature self-addressed envelope of 23x10cm size with postage stamps worth Rs. 10/- affixed on it. Send filled application form along with DD & photocopies of relevant documents by post on or the last date of 09-08-2012.


Recruitment Branch,
H.P. University,

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Coal India Ltd Results 2012 Interview - Sr. Medical Officer

Finally candidates Coal India limited has published Senior Medical Officer (E3 Grade) Interview results 2012. Coal India limited has upload Sr. Medical officer (E3 Grade) recruitment interview results 2012 online on their official website at  Coal India Limited was taken Sr. Medical officer Interview from 19-04-2012 to 12-05-2012. Candidates who had appeared in Coal India Limited Interview in these days, they can  be find their name in published list.

Candidates here you can seen a Coal India limited Senior medical officer final interview list link in given below. You can go to visit this link and get download results online now.

Click Here for download Sr Medical Officer Final Results

About Coal India Limited:

Coal India Limited (CIL) as an organized state owned coal mining corporate came into being in November 1975 with the government taking over private coal mines. With a modest production of 79 Million Tonnes (MTs) at the year of its inception CIL today is the single largest coal producer in the world. Operating through 81 mining areas CIL is an apex body with 7 wholly owned coal producing subsidiaries and 1 mine planning and consultancy company spread over 8 provincial states of India.

Monday, 16 July 2012

East Central Railway Recruitment 2012 - Apply for Clerks & Steno

Welcome to recruitment news section. Are you looking jobs in Indian Railway, then your wait is over now. Today East Central Railway has issued notification against recruitment of 30 Clerk and Steno vacancies as Special Recruitment Drive for PWD candidates for Group C posts . Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before the last date of  19-07-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

East Central Railway Recruitment 2012 for Clerks & Steno details are as:

Name of the posts with no of vacancy :

1. Junior Clerk – 15 posts
2. Accounts Clerk – 08 posts
3. Commercial Clerk – 06 posts
4. Steno – 01 post

Age Limit: candidates should be aged between 18 to 30 years as on July 01, 2012.
Age relaxation as per govt. rules

Required Qualification: Applicants should be passed Matriculation (10th Class) along with Typing proficiency for Junior and Accounts Clerk posts,  Matriculation (10th class) or its equivalent for Commercial Clerk post and Matriculation (10th class)  or its equivalent with required speed in Shorthand for Steno post.

Mode of Selection : Candidates will be selected through competitive written examination, typing test, short hand plus speed test (if necessary) document verification and medical test.

Important dates :

Closing date for receipt of application form : July 19, 2012
Closing date for receipt of application (far flung areas): August 06, 2012

Apply Procedure :  Candidates who want to apply for this great jobs, first they need to be download application form, which is available in the notification, fill up all required basic details , attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe the name of the post to be applied for on the envelope and send it along with duplicate copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address before the last date of July 19, 2012. Applications can also be dropped into the Drop Box at the Recruitment Cell of the East Central Railway, Hajipur.

Dy.  Chief  Personnel  Officer  (Recruitment),
Recruitment  Cell,  CPO  Office, 
East  Central Railway,
Hajipur (Vaishali) – 844101,

CIPET Recruitment 2012 - for Technical & Non Technical posts

Welcome to recruitment news section. Are you looking jobs in Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET), then your wait is over now. Today Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET) has issued notification against recruitment of Technical and Non Technical vacancies as Special Recruitment Drive (SRD) for STs and PWDs Intelligent and interested candidates who want to get these job, they may apply through prescribed application format on or before the last date of  31-08-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

CIPET Recruitment 2012 for Technical & Non Technical details are as:

Name of the posts with no of vacancy :

1. Officer Technical
2. Technician Gr III
3. Librarian Gr II
4. Officer (Accounts/HR)
5. Accounts/Administration Assistant (Gr III)

Age Limit: candidates should be aged less than 35 years for Officer Technical (Accts/HR) and below 33 years for Technicians/Accts/Admin Asst Gr III as on August 14, 2012.
Age relaxation as per govt. rules

Required Qualification: Applicants should be ME/M.Tech/PG Degree for Officer post, Diploma/PG Diploma for Technician post and Bachelor’s Degree for Librarian post in relevant discipline.

Mode of Selection : Candidates will be selected through competitive personal interview .

Apply Procedure :  Candidates who want to apply for this great jobs, first they need to be download application form, which is available in the notification, fill up all required basic details , attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe the name of the post to be applied for on the envelope and send it along with copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address before the last date of August 31, 2012.


The Chief Manager (P&A),
CIPET Head  Office,
TVK Industrial Estate, Guindy,
Chennai  – 600 032

Loksabha Secretariat Recruitment 2012 - For Parliamentary Interpreter posts

Welcome to recruitment news section. Loksabha Secretariat will going to recruit 31 posts of Parliamentary Interpreter Grade-II and Hindi Assistant vacancies under recruitment project 2012 - 2013. Candidates who are interested to  want get this job post , they may apply through prescribed application format on or before 27-08-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

Loksabha Secretariat Recruitment 2012 for Parliamentary Interpreter posts details are as :-

Name of the posts with no of vacancy :

1. Parliamentary Interpreter Grade-II: 02 vacancies
2. Hindi Assistant: 29 vacancies

Age Limit: Candidates should be aged less than 35 years for Parliamentary Interpreter post and 27 years for Hindi Assistant post.

Required Qualification :  Candidates are completed Master’s degree in English or any other discipline (with English as a medium of instruction) from a recognized university with regional language concerned up to Degree Level for Parliamentary Interpreter post and Master’s degree in Hindi from a recognized university with English as a subject at the Degree Level for Hindi Assistant post.

Mode of Selection : Candidates will be selected through Competitive written test and personal interview .

Important Dates :

Closing date for receipt of application: August 27, 2012
Closing date for receipt of application (far flung areas): September 03, 2012

Apply Procedure : Candidates who want to apply for this great jobs, first they need to be download application form, which is available in the notification, fill up all required basic details, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe the name of the post to be applied for on the envelope and send it along with copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address before the last date of August 27, 2012


“The Joint Recruitment Cell,
Room No.521, Parliament House Annexe,
New Delhi-110001

Saturday, 14 July 2012

MPPTCL Recruitment 2012 - Apply procedure, details here

Welcome to recruitment news section. Are you looking jobs in MP Power Transmission Company Limited (MPPTCL), then your wait is over now. Today MP Power Transmission Company Limited (MPPTCL) has issued notification against recruitment of Dy Director (Finance & Accounts) and Executive Trainee (Accounts) for Schedule Caste (SC)/ Schedule Tribe (ST) MP domicile. Intelligent and interested candidates who want to get these job, they may apply through prescribed application format on or before the last date of  31-07-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

MPPTCL Recruitment 2012 for Dy Director & Executive Traniee details are as :

Name of the posts with no of vacancy :

1. Dy Director (Finance & Accounts Class – I): 04 vacancies
2. Executive Trainee (Accounts Class – II): 10 vacancies

Age Limit: candidates should be aged less than 50 years for the post Dy Director (F & A) and 40 Years for the post of Executive Trainee (Accounts) as on July 31, 2012.
Age relaxation as per govt. rules

Required Qualification: Applicants should be cleared minimum CA/CWA or from a recognized University.

Application Fee:  Applicants are need to deposit application fee of Rs. 250/- in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Regional Accounts Officer, MP Power Transmission Co.Ltd., Jabalpur towards stationary/Postal charges shall be payable along with application towards stationary/Postal charges.

Mode of Selection : Candidates will be selected through competitive written test and personal interview .

Apply Procedure :  The eligible candidate’s download the prescribed application form from the MPPTCL website. The completed application form should be sent along with copies of required certificates, Demand Draft to given below mentioned addres before the last date of July 31, 2012.


Chief Engineer (Corporate Affairs).
Block No.-2, Second floor,
Shakti Bhawan MP Power Transmission Company, Ltd,
Rampur, Jabalpur, Pin- 482008

Friday, 13 July 2012

APSRTC Recruitment 2012 for Artisans - Apply now

Welcome to recruitment news section. Are you looking jobs in Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) , then your wait is over now. Today Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) Miyapur, Hyderabad has issued notification against recruitment of Artisans (Grade I and Grade II) posts. Intelligent and interested candidates who want to get these job, they may apply through prescribed application format on or before the last date of  31-07-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

APSRTC Recruitment 2012 for Artisans posts details are as :

Name of the posts with no of vacancy :

1. Coach Builder (Artisan Gr I): 14 vacancies
2. Panel Beater (Artisan Gr II): 08 vacancies
3. Welder (Artisan Gr II): 03 vacancies

Age Limit: candidates should be aged less than 30 years as on July 01, 2012.
Age relaxation as per govt. rules

Required Qualification: Applicants should be cleared minimum ITI Sheet Metal for Coach Builder, Panel Beater posts and ITI Welding for Welder post.

Application Fee:  Candidates require to deposit application fee of Rs. 150/- in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of AO, APSRTC, BBW & PP, Miyapur, Hyderabad in any Scheduled Bank.

Mode of Selection : Candidates will be selected through competitive written test and personal interview .

Apply Procedure :  Desirous applicants can apply through prescribed application format and candidate should apply separately for each post. Filled application should be enclosed with DD and should be sent to given below mentioned address before the last date of 31-07-2012.


Work Manager, APSRTC,
Bus Body Building,
Miyapur, Hyderabad-500049

SSC Recruitment 2012 - Apply for LDC & DEO posts online

Welcome to recruitment news section. Are you looking jobs through SSC , then your wait ending now. According top latest recruitment notification of SSC , recruitment of Data Entry Operator and Lower Division Clerks by conducting Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Exam . Intelligent and interested candidates who want to get these job, they can apply their application form online  on or before the last date of 10-08-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

SSC Recruitment 2012 for lower Division Clerk and Data Entry Operator posts details are as :

Name of the posts with no of vacancy :

1. Data Entry Operator
2. Lower Division Clerk

Age Limit: candidates should be aged between 18 yrs and 27 yrs as on August 01, 2012
Age relaxation : Age relaxation as per govt. rules

Required Qualification :  Only candidates can apply this posts who are completed 12th Standard or Higher Secondary from recognized board.

Application Fees : candidates require to deposit application fee of Rs. 100/-. Amount can be paid through State Bank of India (SBI) challan or through SBI Net Banking or can also be paid by means of CRFS available at Departmental Post offices.

Selection Procedure : Intelligent candidates will be selected on the basis personal Competitive written test , personal interview .

Important Dates Regarding LDC and DEO Posts: 

Starting date for online submission : July 14, 2012
Closing date for online submission of application (Part 1): August 08, 2012
Closing date for online submission of application (Part 2): August 10, 2012
Closing date for online submission of application (far flung areas): August 17, 2012
Date of Written Examination: October 21 & 28, 2012
Apply Procedure : Candidates choose option for sent their application form . Candidates can apply their form through online mode or offline mode on or before the last date  10-08-2012. Candidates need to download application form available in the website, fill it with all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature and send it to the address of the concerned exam centre provided in the notification.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

HNL Recruitment 2012 - For Attendant & Operator Posts

Welcome to recruitment news blog. Hey folks  are you looking jobs in Hindustan Newsprint Limited (HNL), then you wait is over now. Today Hindustan Newsprint Limited (HNL) openly invites intelligent and desirous candidates for 30 various jobs posts Attendant and operator . BMEL going to recruit all these jobs under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates who are interested to want get this job post , they may apply through prescribed application format on or before 31-07-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

HNL  Recruitment 2012 for 30 jobs posts details are as :

Name of the post with no of vacancy

1. Attendant – I:
  • ITI (Electrical) – 02 postsFor A
  • ITI (Fitter) – 18 posts
  • ITI (Fitter) with NAC in Boiler Attendant – 05 posts
2. Operator – III /Analyst III: 05 posts

Age Limit: Candidates should be aged less than 30 years as on March 31, 2012.

Required Qualification :  Candidates should be passed minimum for Attendant post 10th standard along with NTC/ITI and NAC in respective trade and for Operator post candidates must possess B.Sc (Chemistry) from any recognized university.

Application Fees : Applicants require to deposit application fee of Rs. 100/- in form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Hindustan Newsprint Ltd., payable at Ernakulam/ Mevelloor.

Note : Schedule Caste /Schedule Ttibe / PWD candidates are nil application fees.

Mode of Selection : Intelligent candidates will be selected through competitive written test and personal interview.

Apply Procedure : Candidates may  apply through prescribed application format , which is available in the notification, fill up all required details, attach photograph, attest signature and send it along with copies of all relevant certificates and payment receipt, to the following address on or before the last date of 31-07-2012.

Newsprint Nagar P.O,
 Kottayam – 686 616

RCFL Recruitment 2012 - Apply for Officer, Engineer, Manager posts

Welcome to recruitment news website. Guys today in this article through we like to share latest recruitment notification of Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (RCFL).  RCFL will going to recruit 29 various posts of officer’s, Manager’s etc.. Interested and intelligent candidates  may apply through prescribed application format on or before the last date of 27-07-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

RCFL Recruitment 2012 details are as :

Name of the post with no of vacancy :

1. Officer (Finance) – 06 posts
2. Senior Officer (Finance) – 06 posts
3. Senior Engineer (Mechanical) – 10 posts
4. Senior Engineer – Boiler Proficient – 04 posts
5. Dy. Manager (Human Resource) – 02 posts
6. Officer (Human Resource) – 01 post

Required Education : Candidates must be completed in CA or ICWA for posts 1 and 2 and Graduate Degree in relevant discipline for remaining posts.

Application Fees : Candidates are require to deposit application fee of Rs. 500/- in form of Crossed Demand Draft of any Nationalized Bank in favour of Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd payable at Mumbai.

Note : Schedule Caste /Schedule Tribe /PWD/ Victims of 1984 riots are nil application fees.

Selection Procedure : candidates will be selected through basis of Personal Interview.

Apply procedure : Candidates who want to get and want this job, they need to be download application format, which is available in the notification, fill all required basic details, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe the name of the post to be applied for on the envelope and send it along with one self addressed envelope and copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address on or before the last date of 24-07-2012.


office of  General Manager (HR) C. ,
Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited,
1st Floor, Room No. 108,
Administrative Bldg, Chembur,
Mumbai – 400074

Monday, 9 July 2012

OBC Recruitment 2012 - Apply for 425 PO & Agri officer

Welcome to recruitment news section. Are you looking jobs in Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC),  then your wait is over now. Today Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) has as issued notification against recruitment of 425 Probationary Officer and Agricultural Officer vacancies,  JMGS-I. Indian citizens who have taken the Common Written Examination for Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees and for Specialist Officer conducted by IBPS in 2011-12 and have a valid Score card are only eligible to apply. Intelligent and interested candidates who want to get these job, they may apply application form online on or before last date of 28-07-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

OBC Recruitment 2012 for PO and Agri Officer jobs details are as :

Name of the posts with no of vacancy :

1. Probationary Officer – 325 posts
2. Agriculture Officer – 100 posts

Age Limit: candidates should be aged between 21 years to 30 years for Probationary officer (PO) as on July 01, 2011  and for Agri Officer Post as on December 01, 2012.
Age relaxation as per govt. rules

Required Qualification :  Candidates are passed minimum Graduate Degree of any recognized university or equivalent and also basic knowledge of computer fundamental.

Essential Qualification: For General Category – TWSS – Minimum Score 120 for PO post & 112 for Agri Officer posts and for Reserved Category (SC/ST/OBC/PC) – TWS – Minimum Score 105 for PO post and 104 for Agri Officer post. Individual Test Cut Off marks would be 24 and above for General and 21 and above for Reserved category candidates.

Application Fees : Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe / PWD applicants must pay Application Fee of Rs. 20/- and all others Like General and OBC applicants  must pay Rs. 100/- Fee must be paid into the CBS Account No.12371171000065 with Sector 32 Gurgaon Branch in the name & style of “OBC Probationary/Agriculture Officers’ Recruitment Project-2012”  in form of Challan downloaded from Bank’s website at any branch of OBC or through NEFT at any Bank.

Mode of Selection : Candidates will be selected through on basis of Score in CWE conducted by IBPS followed by Personal Interview.

Apply Procedure : Candidates  who want to apply for this posts, they  can apply their application form online at OBC bank official website before the last date of July 28, 2012. For more detail please visit at OBC bank official website.

NTPC Jobs Recruiment 2012 - Apply for GDMO Post

Welcome to recruitment news section. National Thermal Power Limited (NTPC) has required 21 General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO) for it Hospital project. NTPC has going to recruit all these jobs under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates who are interested to  want get this job post , they may apply their application form through online mode on or before last date of 23-07-2012.. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

NTPC Recruitment 2012 details are as follow :

Name of the posts with no of vacancy :

General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO) (E2 Level) : 21 vacancies to be recruit

Age Limit: Candidates should be aged less than 37 years as on July 23, 2012.
Age relaxation as per govt. rules

Required Qualification :  Candidates are completed minimum MBBS from any University recognized by Medical Council of India.

Application Fees : General and Other backward class applicants require to deposit Rs. 300/- towards registration fee in form of Pay-in-slip, obtained from application registration portal, and deposit fee in cash at any State Bank of India (SBI) branch in Account No. 30987919993 at CAG branch, New Delhi (Code: 09996).

Note : Schedule Caste /Schedule Tribe /PWD applicants  are nil fees.

Mode of Selection : Candidates will be selected through basis of Screening Test and Personal Interview.

Apply Procedure : Candidates  who want to apply for this posts, they  may apply application form through online mode on or before the last date of 23-07-2012. For more detail please see NTPC GDMO recruitment advertisement page.

Instruction of How to Apply :

 1. Log on to to start the Online Application process.
 2. Select the ‘Click herer to Apply for General Duty Medical Officers’ link.
 3. Click on ‘Print Pay-in-Slip’ button, take print and make payments as per details given above.
 4. Revisit NTPC website and this time select the Online Application link.
 5. Fill all the details of application form including fee payment details and check once for errors.
 6. Submit the application, download and take print of system generated Registration Slip which allots a unique registration number, which has to be produced at the time of Interview.

SSC CR Allahabad Recruitment 2012- Apply procedure, detail, eligibility

Welcome to recruitment news blog. Hey folks  today Staff Selection Commission – SSC (Central Region) has issued notification against recruitment of 05 Assistant posts Allahabad. SSC CR going to recruit all these jobs under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates who are interested to want get this job post , they may apply their application form prescribed application format on or before the last date of 29-07-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

SSC CR Recruitment 2012 for Assistant details are as :

Name of the post with no of vacancy

1. Senior Technical Assistant: 01 vacancy
 2. Technical Officer-I: 02 vacancies
 3. Jr Technical Assistant: 02 vacancies

Age Limit: Candidates should be aged below 30 years for Technical Asst posts and between 18 to 25 years for Technical Officer-I post

Required Qualification :  Candidates are asked to refer to the notification for the details of post wise required educational qualification.

Application Fees : Applicants  require to deposit Rs. 50/- as application fees, in form of CRFS and these Candidates need to pay Rs. 50/- as application fees, in form of CRFS and these stamps are available at all departmental Post Offices of the country. (All applicants except general category (Male) are exempted from fees).

Mode of Selection : Eligible Candidates called for  personal interview, Proficiency test and screening test.

Apply Procedure : Desirous and eligible  candidates must prepare application in the format published in Employment News or Rojgar Yojana and send it along with advt. in employment News on 30-06-2012 and all other copies of necessary documents and certificates, and the CRF stamp pasted on application, to the following address on or before the last date of 29-07-2012.


Regional Director (CR),
Staff Selection Commission, 8,
A-B, Beli Road,

TNPSC Recruitment 2012 Notification for Inspector Post

Welcome to recruitment news Today we like to share Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) recruitment notification 2012. TNPSC going to recruit 36 posts of Inspector and Assistant. Interested and intelligent candidates  may apply their  application form through online mode on or before the last date of  03-08-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

TNPSC Recruitment 2012 details are as :

Name of the post with no of vacancy :

1. Inspector of Fisheries – 24 posts
2. Research Assistant – 12 posts

Age Limit:  Candidates should be aged between 18 yrs to 28 yrs as on July 01, 2012.

Required Education : Candidates  who passed Bachelor’s Degree in Fisheries Science (B.F.Sc) or Associate Diploma in Fisheries Science or M.Sc., Degree with Zoology/Marine Biology, or any equivalent qualification from recognized University.

Application fees : Candidates need to pay Examination Fee of Rs. 150/- through Online or Offline mode. Candidates claiming exemption need to pay Rs. 50/- towards Application Cost.
i) Through Online payment fee must be paid through Net Banking, using Credit Card or Debit card.
 ii) Through Offline payment fee paid through Challan form , which is available in  of website, fill challan form and deposit in any Indian Bank branch or Post Office within two days from the date of submission of application.

Selection Procedure : candidates will be selected through basis of written examination and oral test.

Important Dates:

Starting date for online application from : July 02, 2012
Closing date for online application: August 03, 2012
Closing date for fee payment through Offline Mode: August 07, 2012
Date of Written Examination: 22-09-2012 from 10.00 am to 01.00 pm

Apply Procedure :

Applicants may apply their application form online through it’s main official website  “” or,on or before  last date of 03-08-2012. After submission of application candidates must send the print of application form to the Commission.