Welcome to recruitment news section. West Bengal Judicial Department has looking eligible and intelligent candidates for 36 Lower Division Clerk (Grade C) and Group D posts . West Bengal Judicial Department will be going to recruit all these posts under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates who want to get this jobs, they can apply for this posts with in 7 days of advertisement.. More detail like age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.
West Bengal Judicial Department Recruitment 2012 posts details are as :
Name of the post with no of vacancies :
1. Lower Division Clerk (Group C): 12 vacancies
2. Group D: 24 vacancies
Age limit : Candidates aged should between 18 to 40 years as on 01-01-2012.
Age relaxation as per govt rules.
Required Study : Candidates should be qualified in Madhyamik or equivalent examination with sufficient knowledge in Computer typing for LDC posts and application and for Group D is passed in Class VIII Examination from any recognized School or Madrasa.
Mode of procedure : Candidates can apply through prescribed application format , which available in the notification, fill all basic details, attach photograph, attest signature, self-addressed envelop with postage stamp of Rs. 10/- affixed on it, and supporting documents to the following address with in 7 days from the date of publication of the advertisement.
“To The Secretary, Judicial Department,
Government of West Bengal,
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata- 700 001″
Can you please send me the direct link to apply for the West Bengal Judicial Department Recruitment that is recenlty announced by the West Bengal Judicial Department for 100+ posts.