Chhattisgarh Child Protection Committee will be going to recruit 206 various posts under recruitment project 2012 – 2013 . Candidates who are full fill all requirement , they can send their application form through prescribed application format on or before the last date of 10-10-2012.More details are available in given below.
Chhattisgarh Child Protection Committee Recruitment 2012 vacancies details are as.
Name of the vacancies with no of vacancies
State Child Protection Unit
1. Accountant: 01 vacancy
2. Accounts Assistant
3. Assistant cum Computer Operator: 04 vacancies
District Child Protection Unit
4. Conservation Officer (Non Institutional Care): 18 vacancies
5. Conservation Officer (Institutional Care): 18 vacancies
6. Legal cum probation Officer: 18 vacancies
7. Data Analyst: 18 vacancies
8. Accountant: 18 vacancies
9. Counselor: 18 vacancies
10. Social Worker: 36 vacancies
11. Assistant cum Computer Operator: 18 vacancies
12. Out Reach worker: 36 vacancies
State Adoption Resource Agency
1. Accountant: 01 vacancy
2. Program Assistant: 01 vacancy
Age limit : Candidates aged should between 21 to 35 year as on January 01, 2013.
Required Qualification : Candidates are asked to refer to the notification for the details of post wise required educational qualification.
Mode of Apply : Candidates can send their format through prescribed application format , which can be downloaded through official website, fill all the important details, attach photograph, attest signature and send along with relevant documents to the respective address as mentioned in the Advt.
Hello Sir ....
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