Welcome to recruitment news blog. Nuclear Fuel Complex has published latest recruitment advertisement for 42 various posts. UPSC will be going to recruit 47 posts in Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad, an industrial establishment under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), as Technical Officers Grade D and C . Nuclear Fuel Complex will be going to recruit all these posts under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates can send their application form through prescribed application format 02-10-20122. More detail like age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.
Nuclear Fuel Complex Recruitment 2012 posts details are as :-
Name of the post with no of posts :
1. Technical Officer/D (Mechanical) – 08 posts
2. Technical Officer/D (Mechanical) – 02 posts
3. Technical Officer/D (Mechanical- Projects) – 04 posts
4. Technical Officer/D (Mechanical Management Services) – 02 posts
5. Technical Officer/D (Mechanical –Material Planning) – 01 post
6. Technical Officer/D (Electrical) – 02 posts
7. Technical Officer / D (Electrical) – 02 posts
8. Technical Officer/D (Civil) – 07 posts
9. Technical Officer/D (Computer Science) – 02 posts
10. Technical Officer/D (Metallurgy) – 04 posts
11. Technical Officer/D (Mechatronics) – 02 posts
12. Technical Officer/D (Chemical) – 09 posts
13. Technical Officer/C (Industrial Hygiene Surveilance) – 01 post
14. Technical Officer/C (Safety) – 01 post
Required Qualification : Candidates who want to apply for this posts, they must completed ME/M.Tech/BE/B.Tech/M.Sc in relevant stream of Engineering from recognized University or institution.
Application Fee : Candidates need to pay application fee of Rs. 250/- (Female candidates/disabled Ex serviceman / Dependants of Ex serviceman killed/ Ex serviceman / PWD applicants are nil fees) in form of crossed Indian Postal Order or Demand Draft drawn in favour of ‘Pay and Accounts Officer, NFC Hyderabad’ payable at Hyderabad.
Mode of Selection : candidates will be selected through personal interview.
Apply process : Candidates can sent their form through prescribed application format , which can be downloaded through it official website , fill up all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe “Application for the post of _____ under Post No.______” against “Advertisement No. NFC/02/2012” on the envelope and send it along with payment receipt and copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address, Nuclear Fuel Complex, ECIL Post, Hyderabad-500 062 on or before three weeks from 11-09-2012
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