Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Kerala University Recruitment 2012 - Apply for 40 Posts

As per latest recruitment notification of University of Kerala  has required  eligible and intelligent candidates for 50 Faculty vacancies . Candidates who are interested and want to get this job , they can send their application form through prescribed application format on or before the last date of 10-10-2012. More detail like age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

Kerala University Recruitment 2012 40 vacancies details are as :-

Name of the vacancy with no of vacancies :

 1. Professor: 01 vacancy   
 2. Reader: 28 vacancies
 3. Lecturer: 21 vacancies

Age Limit : Candidates aged should be less than 40 years for Lecturer post, 45 years for Reader post and 50 years for Professor post as cut off  January 01, 2012.. Age relaxation as per govt rules.

Required Qualification : Candidates who want to apply for this vacancies, they must  be qualified  Master’s Degree, Ph.D from a recognized University or institute.

Mode of Selection : candidates will be selected through personal interview.

Apply process : Candidates can send their format through prescribed application format , which can be downloaded through official website, fill  all the important details, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe the name of the post to be applied for on the envelope and send it along with DD and Copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address on or before 10-10-2012.


“To The Deputy Registrar (Admn.III)
University of Kerala,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695 034″

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