Saturday, 29 September 2012

Andaman & Nicobar Police Constable Recruitment 2012 - Apply for 75 posts

Andaman & Nicobar Police  given opportunity to all eligible and intelligent candidates to join police department 75 vacancies of constable  . Andaman & Nicobar Police will be going to recruit constable vacancies under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates who are interested and qualified for this jobs, , they can send their application form through prescribed application format on or  before the last date 02-11-2012.More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

Andaman & Nicobar Police Recruitment 2012 vacancies details are as:

Name of the vacancy with no of vacancies:

Police Constable Driver (Executive) : 75 vacancies to be recruit

Age Limit: Applicants aged between 8 to 25 years as on 02-11-2012. Age relaxation as per govt rules.

Required Qualification : Candidates should be passed minimum 10th from a recognized Board/University and Valid Light/Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving license with knowledge of Motor Mechanism.

Selection Procedure
: Candidates will be selected through personal written test, PET , Document verification and medical test, Trade test.

Mode of Apply : Candidate can apply through prescribed format, which can be download through official website , fill all important fields , attest signature and send it along with three passport size photographs (one should be affixed in the space given in the application form and other two should be attached along with application form) and relevant documents to the following address, on or before 02-11-2012.


“To The Dy. Superintendent of Police (HQ),
 Police Head Quarter, Atlanta Point,
 Port Blair”

Friday, 28 September 2012

Chhattisgarh Child Protection Committee Recruitment 2012 - Apply now

Chhattisgarh Child Protection Committee will be going to recruit 206 various posts under recruitment project 2012 – 2013 . Candidates who are full fill all requirement , they can send their application form through prescribed application format on or  before the last date of  10-10-2012.More details are available in given below.

Chhattisgarh Child Protection Committee Recruitment 2012 vacancies details are as.

Name of the vacancies with no of vacancies

State Child Protection Unit
 1. Accountant: 01 vacancy
 2. Accounts Assistant
 3. Assistant cum Computer Operator: 04 vacancies
District Child Protection Unit
 4. Conservation Officer (Non Institutional Care): 18 vacancies
 5. Conservation Officer (Institutional Care): 18 vacancies
 6. Legal cum probation Officer: 18 vacancies
 7. Data Analyst: 18 vacancies
 8. Accountant: 18 vacancies
 9. Counselor: 18 vacancies
 10. Social Worker: 36 vacancies
 11. Assistant cum Computer Operator: 18 vacancies
 12. Out Reach worker: 36 vacancies
State Adoption Resource Agency
 1. Accountant: 01 vacancy
 2. Program Assistant: 01 vacancy

Age limit : Candidates aged should between 21 to 35 year as on January 01, 2013.

Required Qualification : Candidates are asked to refer to the notification for the details of post wise required educational qualification.

Mode of Apply : Candidates can send their format through prescribed application format , which can be downloaded through official website, fill  all the important details, attach photograph, attest signature and send along with relevant documents to the respective address as mentioned in the Advt.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Madhya Pradesh Jan Abhiyan Parishad Recruitment 2012

Finally Madhya Pradesh Jan Abhiyan Parishad give opportunity to all eligible and intelligent candidates to join Madhya Pradesh Jan Abhiyan Parishad as 42 posts . Madhya Pradesh Jan Abhiyan Parishad  will be going to recruitment 42 vacancies under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates who are interested and qualified for this jobs, , they can send their application form through prescribed application format on or  before the last date 15-10-2012.More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

Madhya Pradesh Jan Abhiyan Parishad Recruitment 2012 vacancies details are as:

Name of the vacancy with no of vacancies:

 1. Rd: 01 vacancies
 2. Director Cell: 03 vacancies
 3. Deputy Director: 02 vacancies
 4. Task Manager: 07 vacancies
 5. Library Manager: 01 post
 6. Division Coordinator: 05 vacancies
 7. District Coordinator: 16 vacancies
 8. Block Coordinator: 07 vacancies

Age Limit:  between 28 to 50 years for Sr. No 1 to 4 posts and 25 to 45 years for Sr. No 5 to 6 posts. Age relaxation as per govt rules.

Required Qualification : Candidates should be passed minimum Degree, PG in relevant discipline from recognized university  with also Knowledge of computer typing.

Mode of Apply :
Candidates can send their format through prescribed application format , which can be downloaded through official website, attach photograph, attest signature and send it to the MP Council public campaign Shamla Hills, Bhopal in the state office on or before 15-10-2012 by Registered Post / Speed Post.

Kerala University Recruitment 2012 - Apply for 40 Posts

As per latest recruitment notification of University of Kerala  has required  eligible and intelligent candidates for 50 Faculty vacancies . Candidates who are interested and want to get this job , they can send their application form through prescribed application format on or before the last date of 10-10-2012. More detail like age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

Kerala University Recruitment 2012 40 vacancies details are as :-

Name of the vacancy with no of vacancies :

 1. Professor: 01 vacancy   
 2. Reader: 28 vacancies
 3. Lecturer: 21 vacancies

Age Limit : Candidates aged should be less than 40 years for Lecturer post, 45 years for Reader post and 50 years for Professor post as cut off  January 01, 2012.. Age relaxation as per govt rules.

Required Qualification : Candidates who want to apply for this vacancies, they must  be qualified  Master’s Degree, Ph.D from a recognized University or institute.

Mode of Selection : candidates will be selected through personal interview.

Apply process : Candidates can send their format through prescribed application format , which can be downloaded through official website, fill  all the important details, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe the name of the post to be applied for on the envelope and send it along with DD and Copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address on or before 10-10-2012.


“To The Deputy Registrar (Admn.III)
University of Kerala,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695 034″

Friday, 21 September 2012

NCDC Recruitment 2012 Apply for 40 Posts

As per latest recruitment notification of National Center for Disease Control (NCDC), Directorate General of Health Services has required  eligible and intelligent candidates for 25 posts of Public Health Sub-Cadre posts Specialist Grade-II (Epidemiologist) and 15 posts of Non-Teaching Sub-Cadre posts Specialist Grade-II (Microbiologist) on contract basis for one year. Candidates who are interested to get this job , they can participate for walk in interview on 24th & 25th September 2012. More detail like age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

NCDC Recruitment 2012 40 vacancies details are as :-

Name of the post with no of vacancies :
  • Public health sub cadre posts Special Grade-II (Epidemiologist): 25 posts
  • Non-Teaching sub-cadre posts Specialist Grade-II (Micro-biologist): 15 posts
Age Limit : Candidates aged should not above 45 years . Age relaxation as per govt rules.

Required Qualification : Candidates who want to apply for this vacancies, they must  be qualified  first/second/third schedule according to (medical council act 1956) and Post Graduate Degree/Diploma with 3 years experience in concerned specialty.

Important Dates  :

Closing date for online registration: October 15, 2012
Closing  date for receipt of application: October 25, 2012

Mode of Selection :
candidates will be selected through personal interview.

Apply process
: Candidates fulfilling the eligibility may appear for walk in Interview on 24th & 25th September 2012 with all relevant original documents & attested copies at Administrative Officers office, National Center for Disease Control (Directorate General of Health Services) 22 – Sham NathMarg, Delhi-110054.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Forest Department Recruitment 2012 - Apply for GIS Operator

Madhya Pradesh Forest Department are looking intelligent and eligible candidates for 10 GIS Operator and MIS Application Develop posts. Forest Department will be going to recruit all these posts under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates who want to apply for this various posts, they can sent their application form  through prescribed format before the last date of 05-10-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

MP Forest Department Recruitment 2012 posts details are as :

Name of the post with no of vacancies :

 1. GIS Operator: 05 vacancies
 2. MIS Application Developer: 05 vacancies

Required Study : Candidates should be passed in Passed minimum Graduation in Geography/Science/Maths/Engineering/Computer Science from a recognized University for GIS Operator post and MCA/ BE CS/IT /M.Sc (CS)/ MSc (IT) for MIS Developer post.

How to Select : candidates will be selected through Written Test and Trade Test.

Mode of procedure : Candidates need to download application format through official website , fill up all important details, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe the name of the post to be applied for on the envelope and send it along with copies of all relevant certificates to the following address on or before 05-10-2012.


” To The Chief Conservator of Forest Information Technology,
Basement Wing-D Satpura bhawan,
Bhopal -462004″

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

OSSC Recruitment 2012 - Apply Online for ACTO Post

Welcome to recruitment news blog. Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC)  has published latest recruitment advertisement for 19 Assistant Commercial Tax Officer (ACTO) vacancies under the Commissioner of Commercial Taxes. OSSC will be going to recruit all these vacancies under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates can send their application form through online mode on or before the last date of  15-10-2012. More detail like age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

OSSC  Recruitment 2012 for ACTO vacancies details are as :-

Name of the post with no of vacancies :

Assistant Commercial Tax Officer : 19 posts

Age Limit : Candidates aged should between 27 to 37 years as on 01-01-2012. Age relaxation as per govt rules.

Required Qualification
: Candidates who want to apply for this vacancies, they must  completed Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from recognized University and must have passed in Odia subject at HSC level or equivalent..

Important Dates  :

Closing date for online registration: October 15, 2012
Closing  date for receipt of application: October 25, 2012

Mode of Selection :
candidates will be selected through Written Test and Viva voce.

Apply process
: Candidates need to apply through online mode on or before 15-10-2012. Candidates need to attach copies of all relevant certificates and documents and passport size photograph attested by Gazetted Officer. Applications must be sent to the mentioned  address.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

SSA Chandigarh JBT Recruitment 2012 -

SSA Chandigarh established to control education and make ensure every child go to school for education. This time SSA decided to fill vacant seats for the post of JBT . Full name of JBT is Junior Basic Training. Total 654 vacancies for JBT teachers, if applicant qualification and age similar to advertisement given by SSC Chandigarh at they have chance to get job if they applied for this post. 

Post Name & Number of Vacancies

Name of the post is Junior Basic Training or JBT and total number of vacancies for this post is 654 which are divided into category wise like SC, ST, OBC, GEN/UR etc.

Qualification Required for JBT 

Candidates must have completed senior secondary examination with minimum fifty percentage marks and second years diploma in Elementary Education. TET (Teacher Eligibility Test) conducted by the CBSE, New Delhi is also one of the essential eligibility. Age of candidates will be twenty one to thirty five years as on closing date for submission of applications. Relaxation of five years on upper age limit is given for reserved category

Mode of Selection

Selection of candidates for JBT teacher purely based on merit list. Twenty marks of senior secondary examination, Twenty marks of professional qualification, Ten marks higher qualification, Ten marks of TET will be counted for merit list. Candidates who got highest marks in this will be selected but the last decision given by management and no one can challenge it.
Important Dates
  • Opening date of online application registration is 11th Sept, 2012 at
  • Closing date of application is 3rd October, 2012.
More details visit:

Friday, 14 September 2012

VOCPT Recruitment 2012 for 52 Various vacancies

Welcome to recruitment news blog. V.O. Chidambaranar Port Trust will be going to recruit intelligent and eligible candidates for 52 posts of Apprenticeship Training in V.O. Candidates who are full fill all requirement for this job posts, they  can send their application form through prescribed format on or before the last date of 29-09-2012. More details are available in given below.

VOCPT  Recruitment 2012 posts details are as.

Name of the posts with no of posts

 1. Mechanic (Diesel) – 08 posts
 2. Electrician – 10 posts
 3. Fitter – 02 posts
 4. Welder – 02 posts
 5. Forger and Heat Treater – 01 post
 6. Sheet Metal Worker – 02 posts
 7. Mechanic (Motor Vehicle) – 07 posts
 8. Draughtsman (Mechanical) – 02 posts
 9. PASSA – 05 posts
 10. Technician Apprentice (Mechanical) – 05 posts
 11. Technician Apprentice (Electrical) – 03 posts
 12. Graduate Apprentice (Mechanical) – 04 posts
 13. Graduate Apprentice (Electrical) – 01 post

Required Qualification : Candidates must be completed minimum 10th standard with ITI in relevant trade for posts 1 to 9 and Diploma/BE in relevant discipline for remaining posts..

Selection Procedure : candidates will be selected through Written Test and personal interview.

Mode of Apply : Candidates can send their application form through prescribed application format along with copies of certificates so as to reach the following address, Chief Mechanical Engineer,  V.O.Chidambaranar Port Trust, Tuticorin -    628 004, on or before 29-09.2012.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

RCFL Recruitment 2012 - Apply online for 41 posts

Welcome to recruitment news section. Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (RCFL has required Act Apprentice  for 41 posts. Candidates who are interested and want to get this jobs, they need to apply through prescribed format  before the last date 28-09-2012.More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

RCFL Recruitment 2012 posts details are as:

Name of the post with no of posts:

 1. Attendant Operator (AO Chemical Plant) – 24 posts
 2. Instrument Mechanic (IM Chemical Plant) – 07 posts
 3. Maintenance Mechanic (MM Chemical Plant) – 05 posts
 4. Electrician – 05 posts

Age Limit:  Candidates aged should be for posts 1 or 2 must be of age below 25 years & those applying for the any of remaining two posts must be of age below 21 years as  on 01-09-2012.

Required Qualification : Candidates must be completed in B.Sc in Chemistry/Physics for first two posts from recognized university and 12th Standard in Science/MCVC for remaining two posts from recognized board.

Application Form : Candidates need to be  deposit application fee of Rs. 50/- in form of Demand Draft of any Nationalised Bank drawn in favour of Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd payable at Mumbai. Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe  candidates are nil fees.

Mode of Selection : Intelligent candidates will be selected through Trade Test/Written Test/ Personal Interview .

Mode of Apply : Candidates can sent their form through prescribed format , which can be downloaded through official website . fill up all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature and send it along with payment receipt and Copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address, on or before 28-09-2012.


Chief Manager (HR) Unit ,
Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited,
Room No. 04,  Administrative Bldg,
Chembur, Mumbai – 400074

Nuclear Fuel Complex Recruitment 2012 - Apply now

Welcome to recruitment news blog. Nuclear Fuel Complex has published latest recruitment advertisement for 42 various posts. UPSC will be going to recruit 47 posts in Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad, an industrial establishment under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), as Technical Officers Grade D and C . Nuclear Fuel Complex will be going to recruit all these posts under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates can send their application form through prescribed application format 02-10-20122. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

Nuclear Fuel Complex Recruitment 2012 posts details are as :-

Name of the post with no of posts :
 1. Technical Officer/D (Mechanical) – 08 posts
 2. Technical Officer/D (Mechanical) – 02 posts
 3. Technical Officer/D (Mechanical- Projects) – 04 posts
 4. Technical Officer/D (Mechanical Management Services) – 02 posts
 5. Technical Officer/D (Mechanical –Material Planning) – 01 post
 6. Technical Officer/D (Electrical) – 02 posts
 7. Technical Officer / D (Electrical) – 02 posts
 8. Technical Officer/D (Civil) – 07 posts
 9. Technical Officer/D (Computer Science) – 02 posts
 10. Technical Officer/D (Metallurgy) – 04 posts
 11. Technical Officer/D (Mechatronics) – 02 posts
 12. Technical Officer/D (Chemical) – 09 posts
 13. Technical Officer/C (Industrial Hygiene Surveilance) – 01 post
 14. Technical Officer/C (Safety) – 01 post

Required Qualification : Candidates who want to apply for this posts, they must  completed ME/M.Tech/BE/B.Tech/M.Sc in relevant stream of Engineering from recognized University or institution.

Application Fee : Candidates  need to pay application fee of Rs. 250/- (Female candidates/disabled Ex serviceman / Dependants of Ex serviceman killed/ Ex serviceman / PWD applicants are nil fees) in form of crossed Indian Postal Order or Demand Draft drawn in favour of ‘Pay and Accounts Officer, NFC Hyderabad’ payable at Hyderabad.

Mode of Selection : candidates will be selected through personal interview.

Apply process : Candidates can sent their form through prescribed application format , which can be downloaded through it official website , fill up all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe “Application for the post of _____ under Post No.______” against “Advertisement No. NFC/02/2012” on the envelope and send it along with payment receipt and copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address, Nuclear Fuel Complex, ECIL Post, Hyderabad-500 062 on or before three weeks from 11-09-2012

Saturday, 8 September 2012

UPSC Recruitment 2012 - Apply online for 42 varioyus post

Welcome to recruitment news blog. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has published latest recruitment advertisement for 42 various posts. UPSC will be going to recruit 42 posts under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates can send their application form through online mode  on or before the last date of 27-09-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

UPSC  Recruitment 2012 posts details are as :-

Name of the post with no of posts :

 1. Lecturer – 01 posts
 2. Assistant Professor – 03 posts
 3. Assistant Director Grade II – 37 posts
 4. Deputy Director (Processing) – 01 post

Required Qualification : Candidates who want to apply for this posts, they completed Master’s Degree/Graduate Degree in relevant stream from recognized university.

Application Fee : Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs. 25/- either by remitting the money in any Branch of SBI/Associate Bank by cash or by using net banking facility of State Bank of India by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit card. SC/ST/Female/PH candidates are exempted from payment of fee.

Mode of Selection : c
andidates will be selected through personal interview.

Interview Dates:

Closing date for online registration at: September 27, 2012
Closing date for receipt of application: October 11 , 2012
Last Date for Printing of Online Application: September 28, 2012

Apply process :
Candidates can apply for the post Online mode through it’s main official UPSC website on or before the last date of 27-09-2012. For more detail please visit at their recruitment advertisement page.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Anna University Recruitment 2012 - Apply for Taeching Posts

Welcome to recruitment news section. Anna University, Tirunelveli has required 67 temporary Teaching Positions in the following disciplines of the University College of Engineering Nagercoil, (UCEN) Thoothukudi (UVOCCET) and Regional Centre Tirunelveli of Anna University (RCT)  Candidates who are interested and want to get this jobs, they need to apply through prescribed format  before the last date 12-09-2012.More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

Anna University  Recruitment 2012 posts details are as:

Name of the post with no of posts:

1. Civil – 13 posts
 2. ECE – 11 posts
 3. CSE – 15 posts
 4. Mechanical – 06 posts
 5. EEE- 06 vacancy
 6. MBA – 02 posts
 7. MCA – 02 posts
 8. Maths – 04 posts
 9. Chemistry – 05 posts
 10. English – 02 posts
 11. Physics – 01 post

Required Study :  Candidates must be completed Degree/Diploma in Architecture in recognized University or institution. For more detail please visit at their official advertisement page.

Application fees : M.Tech/ M.Sc/ ME/ B.Tech/ BE/ M.Phil/ MBA/ MCA/ NET/ SLET/ PhD in relevant discipline/stream from recognized university .

Mode of Selection : Intelligent candidates will be selected through Personal Interview .

Mode of Apply : Candidates Bio Data must reach the following address by post to The Regional Director, Anna University, Tiruneveli Region, Tirunelveli 627 007 on or before 12-09-2012.

Shri Dada Dev Matri Avum Shishu Chikitsalaya Recruitment 2012

Welcome to recruitment news blog. Shri Dada Dev Matri Avum Shishu Chikitsalaya will be going to recruit 36 Senior and Junior Resident posts under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates can send their application form through prescribed application format  on or before the last date of 14-09-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

Shri Dada Dev Matri Avum Shishu Chikitsalaya Recruitment 2012 posts details are as :-

Name of the post with no of posts :

Senior Resident:
 1. Obs. & Gynae – 04 posts
 2. Pediatrics – 04 posts
 3. Medicine – 02 posts
 4. Anesthesia – 03 posts
 5. Radiology – 02 posts

Junior Resident – 21 posts

Age limit : Candidates aged should be less than 40 years.. Age relaxation as per govt  rules.

Required Qualification : Candidates who want to apply for this posts, they completed MBBS Degree with PG Degree /Diploma in relevant Specialty from recognized University.

Application Fee : General & Other Backward Class applicants require to deposit  application fee of Rs. 100/- in form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Medical Superintendent, Shri Dada Dev Matri Avum Shishu Chikitsalaya Dabri, New Delhi-45.

Mode of Selection :
candidates will be selected through personal interview.

Interview Dates:

Closing date for receipt of application: 14-09-2012
Interview date for Sr Resident Posts: 20-09-2012 at 10.00 am
Interview date for Jr Resident Posts: 21-09-2012 at 10.00 am

Apply process : Candidates required to be  download application format , which is available in the notification, fill up basic details, attach photograph, attest signature and send it to the following address, on or before 14-09-2012.


Shri Dada Dev Matri Avum Shishu Chikitsalaya Dabri,
New Delhi-45

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

HPCL Graduate Engineer Recruitment 2012 - for 250 posts through GATE

Welcome to recruitment news section. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has required 250 intelligent and eligible candidates for Graduate Engineer through GATE 2013 for their respective discipline. candidates may apply for 250 various positions in Marketing Department, only through online mode from 24-12-2012 to 14-02-2013 and before that they must apply for GATE 2013 from 01-09-2012 to 30-09-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

HPCL  Recruitment  2012 - for 250 posts details are as :

Name of the post  with no of vacancies:

1. Mechanical
 2. Civil
 3. Electrical
 4. Electronics and Telecommunication
 5. Instrumentation

Age Limit: Candidates’ age should less than 25 years as on June 30, 2013
Age relaxation as per govt.rules.

Required Qualification :
  Only candidates can apply for this posts, who are completed  Bachelors Degree in Engineering/ Technology in Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Instrumentation, Electronics &Telecommunication disciplines.

Application Fee : For General and OBC-NC candidates need to pay Rs. 200/- towards processing fee and additional amount must also be paid towards Bank Charges. Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe / PWD candidates need not pay the Processing Fee. The procedure will be advised in due course.

Important Dates:
Starting date for online registration for GATE 2013: September 01, 2012
Closing date for online registration for GATE 2013: September 30, 2012
Receipt of GATE online application: October 08, 2012
Starting date for online application for HPCL: December 24, 2012
Closing  date for online application for HPCL: February 14, 2013
GATE 2013 Online Examination: January 20, 2013
GATE 2013 Offline Examination: 10-02-2013

Mode of Apply: Candidates must first register themselves for GATE 2013 through the website or websites of other IITs and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore on or before 30-09-2012. On receipt of GATE registration number, the candidates need to apply to Hindustan Petroleum through online mode on or before 14-02-2013 from 24-12-2012.

Ordnance Factory Itarsi Recruitment 2012 - Apply for 145 Semi Skilled

Welcome to recruitment news section. Ordnance Factory, Itarsi has openly invites for 145 Semi Skilled Grade of Industrial Establishment posts. Eligible applicants may apply through prescribed application format with in 21 days from the date of publication.More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

Ordnance Factory Itarsi Recruitment 2012 for 145 Semi Skilled Posts details are as:

Name of the post with no of vacancies:

 1. Chemical Process Worker – 73 posts
 2. Electrician – 18 posts
 3. Fitter General – 10 posts
 4. Fitter Boiler – 01 vacancy
 5. Fitter Refrigeration – 01 vacancy
 6. Millwright – 03 posts
 7. Fitter Electronics – 03 posts
 8. Turner – 04 posts
 9. Boiler Attendant – 07 posts
 10. Fitter Instrument – 05 posts
 11. Lobourer – 20 posts

Age limit : Candidates’ age should between 18 to 32 years .Age relaxation as per govt.rules.

Required Qualification :  Candidates must completed Matriculation or equivalent qualification with NCTVT certificate in respective trade.

Application fees  : Candidates require to deposit application fee Rs. 50/- in form of crossed Indian Postal Order or crossed Demand Draft in the name of  General Manger, Ordnance Factory, Itarsi. Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe / Ex – Service man / PWD candidates are nil fees.

Important Dates :

Closing date for receipt of application form : 21 days from the date of publication
Closing date for receipt of application form (far flung areas): 28 days from the date of publication
Date for written examination: October 14, 2012

Selection Procedure : Intelligent candidates will be selected through Personal Interview.

Apply Procedure : Candidates require to be download application format , which is available in the notification, fill up all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature, super scribe on the envelope the name of the post to be applied for and send it along with payment receipt and Copies of all relevant certificates attested by Gazetted Officer, to the following address, The General Manager, Ordnance Factory Itarsi, 461 122 with in 21 days from the date of publication.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Meghalaya PSC Recruitment 2012 Apply for 24 Stenographer Posts

Welcome to recruitment news blog. Meghalaya Public Service Commission (PSC) will be going to recruit 24 Stenographer Grade III Vacancies in the Meghalaya Secretariat under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates can send their application form online or offline mode on or before the last date of 01-10-2012. More details are available in given below.

Meghalaya PSC  Recruitment 2012 posts details are as.

Name of the posts with no of vacancies

Stenographer Grade III : 24 posts to be recruit

Age limit : Candidates aged should 18 years and 27 years as on 01-01-2012.Age relaxation as per govt rules.

Required Qualification : Candidates must be completed Degree Arts/Science/Commerce from any recognized University or institution. Candidates also basic knowledge of computer.

Application fees : General and Other backward Class candidates require to deposit application fee of Rs. 320/- in form of challan downloaded from the website. Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe candidates would require to pay half the amount of fee payable by General and OBC candidates.

Selection Procedure : candidates will be selected through written exam and personal interview .

Mode of Apply Candidates can apply through prescribed application format , which available in the website or Office Counter of MPSC, Office Headquarter, Shillong or MPSC Cell at Tura, Nongstoin, Jowal, Baghmara & Williamnagar, fill all basic details, attach photograph, attest signature and send it through Registered Post along with challan and Copies of all relevant certificates, to the Commission’s office at Shillong or on before 01-10-2012.

West Bengal Judicial Department Recruitment 2012 - Apply online

Welcome to recruitment news section. West Bengal Judicial Department has looking eligible and intelligent candidates for 36 Lower Division Clerk (Grade C) and Group D posts .  West Bengal Judicial Department will be going to recruit all these posts under recruitment project 2012 – 2013. Candidates who want to get this jobs, they can apply for this posts with in 7 days of advertisement.. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

West Bengal Judicial Department Recruitment 2012 posts details are as :

Name of the post with no of vacancies :

 1. Lower Division Clerk (Group C): 12 vacancies
 2. Group D: 24 vacancies

Age limit : Candidates aged should between 18 to 40 years as on 01-01-2012.
Age relaxation as per govt rules.

Required Study : Candidates should be qualified  in Madhyamik or equivalent examination with sufficient knowledge in Computer typing for LDC posts and application and for Group D is passed in Class VIII Examination from any recognized School or Madrasa.

Mode of procedure : Candidates can apply through prescribed application format , which available in the notification, fill all basic details, attach photograph, attest signature, self-addressed envelop with postage stamp of Rs. 10/- affixed on it, and supporting documents to the following address with in 7 days from the date of publication of the advertisement.


“To The Secretary, Judicial Department,
 Government of West Bengal,
Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata- 700 001″

Saturday, 1 September 2012

RTU Kota Recruitment 2012 apply for 93 faculty posts

Welcome to recruitment news section. Rajasthan Technical University (RTU) Kota  has looking eligible and intelligent candidates for 93 Faculty posts. Candidates who want to get this jobs, they can apply for through prescribed application format on or before the last date of 27-09-2012. More detail like  age limit, eligibility, application fee how to apply, selection procedure etc are given below.

RTU Kota Recruitment 2012 for faculty vacancies details are as :

Name of the posts with no of vacancies:
 1. Professor – 29 posts
 2. Associate Professor – 37 posts
 3. Assistant Professor – 25 posts
 4. Controller of Examination – 01 post
 5. Librarian – 01 post

Age limit : Candidates aged should between 21 years to 33 years .Age relaxation as per govt rules.

Required Qualification :  only candidates can apply for this jobs, who are completed ME/M.Tech for Asst Professor post, ME/M.Tech with Ph.D for Associate Professor and Professor post, M.Lib Science for Librarian post and PG Degree in any discipline for Controller of Examination post.

Application Fees
: Applicants need to pay application fee of Rs. 500/- (Rs. 250/- for Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe applicants) in form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Registrar, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota.

Mode of Selection : Candidates will be selected through personal interview.

Important Dates :

Closing date for receipt of application form : September 27, 2012

Mode of procedure : Candidates can be download  download application format through RTU official website, fill up all mandatory details, attach photograph, attest signature and send it along with DD and Copies of all relevant certificates, to the following address on or before 27-09-2012.


Registrar, Rajasthan technical University,
Rawatbhata Road,